1. Why Ask Me Anything?
What makes Ask Me Anything different from other question card games is the thought and personality behind the questions. I carefully considered every situation a person might be in, their level of comfort or anxiety, and crafted questions that help break the ice with anyone, anywhere.
2. What is so good about playing card and board games?
Playing games is a great way to connect with people—especially a question game. The pressure is off you to keep the conversation going; all you need to do is listen. Plus, asking questions and hearing people's responses activates the part of your brain that makes you feel good, because connecting with others feels great. So, at its core, this question game is simply a fun way to foster real connection.
3. Is it worth spending on card and board games?
Playing can be fun while also building interpersonal harmony and mental health, as explained in FAQ 1 & 2. Great card games can be played repeatedly leaving you with a different game scenario every time.
4. Is your game new and genuine?
Absolutely. Ask Me Anything was designed for a specific audience – millennials. While there are other card games on the market, none of them offer such a broad variety of questions – some very outlandish and outrageous. With 500 different and unique questions, it keeps the participants engaged and entertained for interesting game play among friends, family and even colleagues. What’s more – it’s designed to bring you outside your comfort zone!
5. What makes this game different?
Not only the sheer number of questions – 500 in total, but the variety of questions offered – it’s not your typical game that asks simple, none thought-providing questions. We push the limit and offer the edgiest, most interesting game on the market – something that millennials clearly want and have been waiting for.
6. Are some of the questions too provocative?
Yes, and that’s how we designed it. It’s why the name is Ask Me Anything. We want to ask questions of real interest and fun for players. Anyone can ask standard, typical questions, but Ask Me Anything deliberately pushes the limits, making it a real and authentic card game experience.
7. How did you come up with the questions?
We developed the questions after speaking to and collaborating with millennials. We wanted to develop a game that was different, unique and maybe even a little controversial and the input from this group was instrumental in leading to the final questions included in Ask Me Anything.
8. Do you have to follow the rules?
Ask Me Anything was designed to be easy to play, offering the players a means of changing up game play – so you can easily customize it to suit your preference.
9. 500 questions is great, but what if we want more?
We have a variety of expansion packs that can be added on to your original game or the family edition.
10. Where can I buy the game?
Right now, the game is available on our website and Amazon. We anticipate having the game available later this year at major retailers in the U.S.
11. What is your privacy policy?
We offer the convenience of purchase with minimal collection of your personal information. We don't store your personal information in any database in server, minimizing the risk of exposing your personal information to potential hacking.
12. How to check stock availability?
Click "BUY NOW" on the menu and it will bring you directly to our online store for direct purchase.
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